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Jeremy and Courtney

Nov. 8, 2019

I met Courtney soon after we moved to PA. It was my first day of work at a local cafe, and her last. She was joyfully telling her coworker that she was engaged! I didn’t know her at all but of course I said congratulations because just hearing about engagements makes me happy! Then I said “I’m a wedding photographer, by the way, if you need one!” Not in the least expecting her to actually book me- but she did! And that’s how I met this sweet couple with the most beautiful, God- scripted love story.

Their wedding day was a chilly and windy one! There were even a few flakes of snow in the morning. But the warmth and love and joy between them and surrounding them was not cooled at all by the temperature. The day started with the bridesmaids helping Courtney get ready. Jeremy and Courtney had chosen not to see each other until the ceremony, so we drove to the vineyard for photos with the guys first. Then Courtney had the sweetest first look with her dad and her girls joined her for their pictures.

The ceremony was such a beautiful testimony of God’s leading and faithfulness, and it was full of praise and worship! They said their vows to each other in front of family and friends and then Jeremy’s dad performed the ceremony.

At the reception, guests were welcomed with tables laden with crudités as an appetizer. There was a delicious Chipotle bar catered by Kickin Kater . The table were decorated in white and gold, candle and eucalyptus- a classic and always gorgeous combination! Candles and string lights gave a cozy glow to the atmosphere.

So much happened at the open mic! Story after story was told of crazy adventures and fond memories. They are two people who have given so much time and love to others and they in turn are surrounded by so much love! A bunch of people sang a song in Spanish for them and Jeremy’s nieces and nephews also had a song they learned, just for the wedding.

To our delight, Courtney got her wish and the sun came out for the loveliest golden hour! After a few more pictures with the bridal party at Brookmere Winery, we spent another hour with just Jeremy and Courtney. They managed to look amazing despite being half frozen- maybe it had something to do with the love they shared. Enjoy this look at their beautiful day.

Courtney, I’m so glad I met you that day at work. May God bless your marriage as you serve Him and love others!

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