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Andrew & Katie

3.14.20 – Madison, VA

Andrew & Katie were married on a perfect early spring day in Virginia. We did not get a chance to meet them in person before the wedding, but I knew I was going to like her as soon as we chatted on the phone! And on their wedding day, I wasn’t mistaken- they are both the kind of people you can’t help but like!

The couple met when Andrew was serving at Mountain View nursing home as the dean of men. On Sunday mornings the staff would go to her church, and he began to see Katie in a rather favorable light 🙂 He began to pray about it – and then she came to work at Mountain View as a cook over the winter! Katie had no idea that Andrew had taken a liking to her, but she did think that the dean of men was awfully rude- he would come into the kitchen, get a banana and leave without even saying good morning! Little did Katie know he was trying his best to hide what he really thought of her, which was quite different than it looked. They started dating in June and 6 months later, he proposed on a beach at sunset during a trip to Florida with friends!

They were so much fun to work with on their wedding day! Katie had told me they wanted joyful images and it was no problem getting that. Their love shone through in every interaction.

We took their portraits at a little old church, the oldest Lutheran church in the U.S. The sun shone through the hazy clouds and although there was a slight chill in the air, it was definitely spring. Curtis and I enjoyed meeting their families, who made us feel right at home with them.

 They and their friends enjoy singing, and the singing at the ceremony and reception was so beautiful. I had some details to shoot during the ceremony but while they were singing I could hardly bring myself to leave!

The reception was at a nearby firehall, and they turned that engine bay into a lovely, springy reception with blooming branches, greenery and twinkling candles. Andrew and Katie are a beloved aunt and uncle to many children, and they were surrounded all day with their little friends. As a very thoughtful touch, they handed out crayons and papers with fun activities for the children to do during the reception!

Andrew & Katie- thank you for allowing us the privilege of being your photographers! Blessings on your marriage and may you forever share the joy you had on your wedding day.

  1. Raber says:

    Beautiful pics, looks like a very nice wedding…

  2. […] first met Dirk and Megan a year ago at Dirk’s brother Andrew’s wedding ( blog post here) All kinds of jokes about Covid were being made at that wedding- little did we know that a whole […]

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