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Travis and Jennifer

East Earl, Pa 6.20.20

June 20 dawned with the most beautiful sunrise as we traveled to Lancaster for Travis and Jennifer’s wedding day. In January, several weeks after she messaged me about photographing their wedding, we met the couple- at a family gathering! We were both so surprised to realize that she is my mom’s cousin. It made it extra fun and special to be able to be at their wedding!

Travis and Jennifer were both single for quite a few years, and ( in the words of the Travis’s father) he had quite accepted the single life- and then he met Jennifer and things changed! After several years of getting to know each other, Travis proposed at Christmas in such a romantic way with candles and roses, and Jennifer (of course) said yes!

As much as I love photographing young couples, there’s something so sweet about watching an older couple in love… God’s ways are always perfect. Travis is very caring and protective of his bride. She had hurt her arm a day or so before, and one of the first things he told me before the first look was to be careful with how I posed her because her arm was hurting!

We started the wedding day at Covered Bridge Estate in East Earl, Pa. It is a beautiful home with the most amazing landscaping and I had admired it and wanted to shoot there for years! The colors and flowers Jennifer chose went so perfect with the classic setting. They also had the cutest vintage car to chauffeur them around and it was such a fun photo prop.

After the ceremony at her home church and the beautiful reception at Ephrata business center, we planned to go back to the portrait location for more with just the couple, but a thunderstorm showed up! I had checked the weather and there was none in the forecast that morning, so I hadn’t even brought my umbrellas 🙁 We waited almost half an hour and decided to leave anyway and hopefully it would stop by the time we got there. But Travis and Jennifer couldn’t exactly ride in a open rumble seat in the rain, so their getaway car from the wedding ended up being the backseat of our car! It did stop raining, the chauffeur brought the car over, and we got lots of beautiful portraits in spite of it all.

Travis and Jennifer, we really enjoyed your day! I hope you are having a wonderful time in Florida and may you always share the love and devotion to each other that you did on your wedding day.

  1. Rhonda Jean Zimmerman says:

    Just Wow! These photos are great. Travis & Jennifer often feel like they are not photogenic…but they smiled great on their wedding day. Thanks again to Michele & Curtis for all your hard work capturing their day. (Also the fast sneak peak is appreciated and I look forward to the rest later)

  2. MONICA J. MARTIN says:

    Absolutely stunning. Their pictures are just wonderful!! Trav and Jen – what a treasure.

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